Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to take care of babies till third months

Having a baby is the most valuable feeling which is unparalleled with any other feelings. Watching them grow and develop in front of your eyes is the important part of your memories and they will stay with you till you live. Baby development milestones start within a month of their birth and goes on.

In the first month the improvement milestones of your baby will be to lift their head for short time, move head from side to side, make arm activities and bring hands to face. They desire human face than other shapes, do strong reflex movements, can focus on items which are 8 to 12 inches away, turn to memorable voices and blink at bright lights. In the second month babies smiles and track objects with their eyes. They make unusual noises and repeat vowel noises like ah, ooh, uh, etc. in the third month babies develop a lot. They raises their head and chest up to tummy, lift head up 45 degrees, kicks, straighten legs, open hands, shut hands, can push down with legs when lying on a hard surface, reaches for dangling objects and shakes hand toys. They also grasps toys, track moving objects, imitate sound, recognizes familiar objects and people, develop a social smile, develop hand-eye coordination, can bring both hands together, can hold head up with control and are interested in circular and spiral patterns.


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